Meal delivery services have emerged as a hot new culinary trend. Though you might not be sold on the idea at first, these businesses can actually offer many advantages. For starters, the convenience factor is undeniable; your need to grocery-shop, recipe-plan, and prep for meals is virtually eliminated. They can also be surprisingly cost effective. And because all of the meals are carefully portioned, you’re less likely to toss uneaten food. Additionally, these services can help introduce you to new recipes and enable you to gain confidence in the kitchen as well as hone your cooking skills. A number of meal delivery services also design their meals so they are balanced and nutritious, with many offering options that complement various diets. So even if you follow a low-carb plan, you’re bound to find multiple meal services that meet your needs.

What to Consider Before Taking the Plunge

Ingredients Quality ingredients are the backbone of any solid meal delivery service. While many companies partner with local farms and food suppliers, you should research how everything is sourced and packaged. Be confident that you’re cooking with the freshest, healthiest ingredients possible.Variety Variety is also key to enjoying a meal service. No one wants to eat the same foods every night. Choose a company that offers a multitude of options that satisfy your dietary needs and your taste buds.Time and Prep People typically gravitate to these services in large part due to their convenience. Nevertheless, some meals are more intensive and time consuming to whip up than others. You can find options that can be prepared within 30 minutes and some that take upwards of an hour. And while many kits only require basic kitchen skills, there are a few that demand a modicum of culinary know-how. It’s best to understand what’s involved before committing.Subscription Options Subscription flexibility is another important factor to consider. If you sign up for recurring deliveries, be sure the company will allow you to pause, skip, or even outright cancel some meals. After all, work, travel, and social obligations can easily arise. You don’t want to waste food or be stuck paying for a meal you won’t eat. Additionally, you should look for a service that offers one-off meals as well. That way, you can do a culinary test-drive before making a bigger commitment.Delivery Options Flexibility is also critical when it comes to the actual delivery. Some companies have very fixed schedules, such as delivering meals every Monday without exception. Others allow you to tailor deliveries to your own schedule. You can adjust week-to-week and even request next-day orders.Cost Before choosing a service, we recommend conducting a quick cost analysis. What’s the price point based on ingredients and portion size? Some companies might appear more affordable on the surface, but their meals may be smaller or leave you wanting. Others may charge additional fees for shipping, cancellation, or even the overall subscription. Make sure you know what you’re getting for your money.

Here are our top picks for low-carb meal delivery services:

Home Chef

Cost:  $9.95/serving


Cost: $59.99/6 meals (most popular plan)

South Beach Diet

Cost:  $12.32/day (Gold plan) RELATED: A Detailed Review of the South Beach Diet for Weight Loss and Heart Health

Green Chef

Cost:  $10.49 - $14.99/meal


Cost:  Varies depending on order