Do your research and talk to your doctor to find out whether you’re considering bogus psoriasis treatments and would do better with a prescription psoriasis medication. “In general when I talk to patients about treatment, I tell them that over-the-counter remedies are not particularly effective,” explained dermatologist Junko Takeshita, MD, PhD, a clinical instructor in the dermatology department at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. What’s more, miracle cures or supplements promoted by scam artists could be downright dangerous. “I think people are always looking for alternative treatments because the systemic medications can have adverse side effects," Dr. Takeshita said, but she noted that even treatments called natural approaches could be psoriasis scams and may actually lead to more severe side effects than you might expect. Read on to know when to be leery.

Skin-Cap, Blue-Cap, and Psor-Val

Different names, same idea. Manufacturers of these products tried flying under the radar of agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), putting prescription-strength active ingredients in their products. Not really bogus psoriasis treatments, they can work — but they can also be extremely dangerous because of high levels of topical steroids. “At the right dose, these are used to help control flares of psoriasis,” explained Takeshita. “It’s not surprising it would be effective.” But ongoing use of strong topical steroids, especially without your doctor’s supervision, can lead to adverse effects such as thinning skin, skin infections, and other complications.


Not to be confused with the fiber product Miralax, this is another topical treatment with high levels of steroids, specifically clobetasol. Miralex, which was made in Canada, was the subject of a class action lawsuit in 2002 after the Canadian government issued a warning that included the risk of plaque psoriasis turning into the pustular form after stopping Miralex. If you’re tempted to seek out stronger meds like this in another country, don’t: “They don’t provide the same level of regulation that we have here,” Takeshita warned.


Exorex is a line of expensive gels and shampoos advertised as containing emulsified coal tar to treat psoriasis. But there’s no magic here — emulsifying coal tar usually just means processing it with emollients. The FDA allows coal tar to be marketed for psoriasis treatment, and coal tar treatments have long been used to manage plaques, but many common drugstore brands contain as much or more coal tar as Exorex. Prescription topical treatments might be more effective. So talk to your doctor about whether coal tar products are appropriate for you.

Zinc Supplements

Though zinc pyrithione is a common ingredient in topical psoriasis creams and may offer some relief for psoriasis plaques, a 1994 clinical trial found no benefits of taking zinc orally for psoriasis. Yet bogus psoriasis treatment centered on zinc supplements is still circulating. “I’m not aware of any studies showing that zinc is effective in treating psoriasis,” emphasized Takeshita. “It doesn’t make sense to me why zinc would help.” She said that you could feel better with a healthy, balanced diet and by losing weight if needed, but there’s no reason to spend money on zinc specifically.

Neem Oil

Found in a variety of cosmetics, neem oil is also used as a pesticide, made from the seeds of the neem tree. The oil is touted as a skin soother for psoriasis. “If a product is truly an oil and doesn’t have any other ingredients, it might not be treating the psoriasis as much as cosmetically making sure the skin doesn’t look as flaky,” said Takeshita. Also, beware that even herbal products, including neem oil, have the potential to irritate skin. Takeshita advised discontinuing the use of any item that makes your skin worse or less comfortable.


Small studies on oral nystatin for psoriasis done in the 1980s and ’90s might have been behind this bogus psoriasis treatment. Nystatin is an antifungal cream, but while psoriasis plaques itch and irritate, they aren’t caused by a fungus. People who have used this might have found some benefit if they were experiencing a co-occurring fungal infection, but it’s unlikely that you’d otherwise see a benefit from an antifungal treatment. Before you add another topical treatment to the mix, check with your doctor to make sure you really need it, and it won’t interact with other treatments you are using.

How to Tell If a Psoriasis Treatment Is a Scam

If you’re considering a product and concerned that it’s a scam, pick up the phone. Takeshita suggested talking to your doctor about possible new treatments. If you suspect you’ve been prey to a bogus psoriasis treatment, you can report it to the health care section of your state attorney general’s office for investigation. According to Joe Peters, a spokesman for the New Jersey Attorney General’s office, “the complaints surrounding these products usually include allegations of misrepresentations surrounding a so-called free trial offer, deceptive or useless return policies, unauthorized charges, refusal to accept returns or refund money, and issues with efficacy, such as the product not working as advertised.”