A major goal is to alleviate some of the confusion around this often-misunderstood chronic skin condition in order to eliminate certain stigmas. One common misperception is that eczema affects each person in basically the same way — as patches of itchy, dry, inflamed skin. But the symptoms of eczema actually vary widely, says Peter Lio, MD, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology and pediatrics at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago and board member of the National Eczema Association (NEA). “Even in the same individual you might have eczema that looks different on different parts of the body,” says Dr. Lio. “It might look oozy and open on the cheeks, for example, but thick and lichenified [leathery] around the wrist.” The appearance of eczema can also vary depending on a person’s skin tone and ethnic or racial background. Redness is common in people with lighter skin, for example, but “In patients with more richly pigmented skin, it can be harder to appreciate the redness, and this is a real dangerous aspect,” Lio says. “You can look at somebody with darker skin and think it doesn’t look that bad, but it’s because the melanin can actually mask some of that redness.” Eczema might also show up more often as leathery skin, or as itchy bumps (called prurigo).

Facts About Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

Eczema can take a significant mental and emotional toll. Adults who have moderate to severe symptoms can feel worn down by the continual need to avoid triggers or the negative reactions that others may have.

The impact of the disease can also be felt far beyond the individuals who have it. “Eczema affects the patient, their immediate caregivers and the rest of the family, their school, workplace, and society,” says Lio. RELATED: 8 Things People With Eczema Must Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines Here’s a look at annual events that take place worldwide: World Atopic Eczema Day was September 14, 2021. Launched in 2018, this globally observed event occurs on September 14 each year in order to raise awareness about the disease, speak up about the burden it has on patients and caregivers, and recognize the need for care and treatment that reflects the multidimensional nature of the disease. Eczema Awareness Week in the United Kingdom was September 11 to 18, 2021. Britain’s Eczema Awareness Week is typically held in mid-September. This year, the National Eczema Society promoted the theme “My Eczema Story” and offered personal video accounts from people living with the skin disease. Eczema Awareness Month in the United States is October 2021. This event, held every October, is sponsored by the NEA and other organizations, such as the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) and Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. This year, the NEA will focus each week of October on a different aspect of eczema, highlighting the fact that while eczema is common, each person’s experience with it is unique.

October 1 to 3: HeterogeneityOctober 4 to 10: Triggers and typesOctober 11 to 17: Burden of diseaseOctober 18 to 24: TreatmentOctober 25 to 31: Support and shared decision-making

Visit eczemamonth.org for information about the NEA’s educational programs, patient and caregiver support experiences, community engagement activities, and free resources.

Itching for a Cure

Itching for a Cure (IFAC) is NEA’s annual campaign to raise funds for eczema research. This year, the event took place from May 1 to May 15, was entirely virtual, and raised over $15,000 for eczema research. Check the organization’s dedicated page for other ways you can support this campaign.

CSDF Wonder Run 5K Run-Walk 2021

On December 4, 2021, the Children’s Skin Disease Foundation (CSDF) will hold a virtual run-walk to raise funds for the activities of the CSDF and their summer camp for children with eczema (Camp Wonder). There are several upcoming conferences and meetings for professionals who help treat eczema (and one for patients and their families), including:

Inflammatory Skin Disease Summit (ISDS) 2021

The fourth ISDS meeting will take place as a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting in November 2021 in New York City. This professional conference focuses on new developments and treatment strategies in the field of inflammatory skin diseases. You can view the schedule for a list of speakers and topics on this year’s agenda.

Revolution Atopic Dermatitis Virtual Conference 2021

This three-day conference will include sessions on therapies for eczema, ways to assess and manage atopic dermatitis in skin of color, and other topics relating to eczema. It will take place virtually December 11 to 13, 2021. View the agenda for information about specific sessions.

Eczema Expo 2022

The NEA holds an annual conference called Eczema Expo for people and families affected by eczema. In prior years, the four-day event included educational seminars and workshops; social events; an exhibitor hall where you can discover new products; camps for infants, children, and teens; and hotel accommodations that are as free of potential allergens as possible. The NEA held a Virtual Eczema Expo in August 2021. As of now, the organization is planning to hold an in-person Expo on July 7 to 10, 2022, in Seattle, Washington, with virtual options for people who can’t or don’t wish to travel. Check the NEA’s Eczema Expo page for upcoming details. These getaways give kids with chronic skin conditions a chance to enjoy themselves out in the open, in a nurturing environment.

Camp Discovery

Each year the AAD holds one-week summer camps in five different locations throughout the country for children living with a chronic skin condition. Traditionally, campers can enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, swimming, archery, and horseback riding. Last summer, Camp Discovery was virtual, but plans are now in progress for in-person activities for Summer 2022. Keep checking the Camp Discovery page on the AAD website for updates.

Camp Wonder

Camp Wonder is a series of one-week camps held in the San Francisco Bay Area for kids with chronic skin diseases, including severe atopic dermatitis. Run by the CSDF, these sessions are designed to give these kids a chance to do activities — play sports, go swimming, climb a rock wall, go to the “prom” — they might not get to experience elsewhere because of the discomfort, pain, and stigma created by their skin condition. The camp offers a full medical staff of doctors and nurses to care for the campers, and is free of charge for families. Plans for in-person activities in Summer 2022 are in progress. Check the Camp Wonder sign-up page for updates.

Camp Wonder Volunteers

The CSDF accepts applications for volunteer counselors, as well as medical volunteers, for its Camp Wonder summer getaway for children with chronic skin diseases. To be a counselor, you must be age 17 or older. Visit the organization’s Camp Wonder sign-up page to request an application; they are expected to go out in March 2022.

NEA Ambassadors

The NEA created this program in July 2020 for people who are living with eczema and their loved ones. Ambassadors learn how to educate others about the disease, share their experiences with others, and advocate on behalf of people with eczema. Learn how to sign up on the NEA Ambassadors page.

AAFA Regional Chapters

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has regional chapters in Alaska, Michigan, New England, and Missouri that welcome volunteers to provide services, programs, and support to people affected by eczema, asthma, and allergy-related health conditions. Contact your regional chapter to volunteer.

Gateway FEAST Support Group in St. Louis

Gateway FEAST (an acronym for Food Allergy, Eczema, and Asthma Support Team) is a support group serving St. Louis and surrounding areas in Missouri. The group is made up and run solely by families who volunteer their time and resources. Gateway FEAST holds meetings, social gatherings, adult “stress relief meetings,” and events for families of those affected by eczema and other allergy-related diseases. On October 9, 2021, the group is planning an in-person Orchid Affair fundraising gala, with proof of vaccination required to attend. The organization also has an Advocacy Ambassadors program for individuals who would like to help shape policies affecting people who are living with eczema, particularly relating to research and affordable treatments.

Sharing on Social Media

The NEA is suggesting the following hashtags for spreading the word during Eczema Awareness Month 2021:


To learn more about what it’s like to participate in a clinical trial, check out these informational videos provided by the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s Office for Human Research Protections.

Local Groups

AAFA: Find a Local Support Group  The AAFA has a nationwide locator for support groups in each state relating to allergies, asthma, and related conditions such as eczema. These groups host guest speakers, events, and more. Each group also has a medical advisor.

Facebook Groups

International Eczema Support Group  This private group has over 15,000 members and a focus on “impartial, spam- and sales-free advice.” Eczema Parents  For caregivers of children with eczema, this private group has over 10,000 members.

Other Online Groups

Inspire  This NEA-hosted forum allows members to post questions or comments and receive written replies (or reactions via “Support,” “Thanks,” and “Useful” buttons). Registration is required. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) Community  This organization’s online forum includes eczema-related topics and allows members to post questions or comments and receive written replies or “likes.” Registration is required and includes filling out a lengthy form indicating your areas of interest.

Applying for Job Opportunities and Internships With Organizations That Address Eczema

If you would like to work for an organization that is making a difference in the lives of people who are living with eczema or are affected by it, try the career pages of the following organizations:

National Eczema Association: EmploymentAmerican Academy of Dermatology: Employment at the Academy