Some people carry staph bacteria on their skin or in their nose but never experience any symptoms from it. But when the bacteria enter the body through a break in the skin, an infection — in which the bacteria multiply, potentially causing illness and tissue damage — can result. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of a staph infection is important so that you can seek help and get appropriate treatment before the infection spreads or worsens. (1)

Skin Staph Infection Symptoms

Staph infections that affect the skin usually cause less serious symptoms than those that invade other body parts. But skin infections can turn dangerous if they progress or aren’t treated. The following types of skin infections may be caused by staph:


Folliculitis, which happens when hair follicles become infected, looks like small red bumps or pimples that may be pus-filled. They can cause itchiness, burning, and pain. Sometimes the blisters break open and crust over. (2)


Boils are a deeper, more severe version of folliculitis. They typically start as red, swollen bumps about the size of a pea that are painful to the touch. A boil may enlarge and gradually turn white as pus collects under the skin. Boils may rupture and drain spontaneously or may need to be lanced and drained by a doctor. (1) A boil is also a form of a skin abscess.

Skin Abscess

A skin abscess is a pus-filled pocket of infection that develops under your skin, similar to a boil but deeper in the body. The surrounding area may be painful, red, warm, and swollen. You might also have a fever and chills. (3)


Symptoms of cellulitis include redness, swelling, warmth, and pain where the infection is located. Cellulitis most often occurs on a person’s leg. As it spreads, you may feel feverish and sick. Additionally, you might have small, red spots around the reddened skin and blisters that burst open.


Impetigo causes red sores that break open and ooze. After a few days, the blisters form a yellowish-brown crust. This infection is sometimes painful, but not always. Most cases of impetigo develop on the face, hands, or feet.

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS)

SSSS most commonly affects babies and young children and is most commonly caused by toxins released by staph bacteria. Symptoms include a rash, fever, and blisters that break easily, leaving moist, painful areas of skin. Large sections of the top layer of skin may also peel off, giving the appearance of skin that’s been scalded, or burned. Kids with this infection might also be irritable and tired. SSSS is a medical emergency and needs prompt treatment. (1,4)

Wound Infections

Wound infections usually crop up two or more days after you’ve had surgery or sustained an injury. They cause redness, pain, swelling, warmth, and pus drainage at the site of infection. You might also have a fever. (5)

Symptoms of Invasive Staph Infections

Invasive staph infections can lead to severe problems that might require immediate medical attention. Of course, symptoms vary depending on the type of infection, your overall health, and the location of the infection.


Sepsis is a life-threatening complication of an infection. Symptoms of sepsis usually include fever, chills, fast breathing, a high heart rate, and disorientation. (6) Your doctor will diagnose you with sepsis if you have an infection and at least two of the following symptoms:

A body temperature that’s above 100.4 degrees F or below 96.8 degrees FA heart rate that’s higher than 90 beats per minuteA respiratory rate that’s higher than 20 breaths per minuteA white blood cell count greater than 12,000, less than 4,000, or a band cell count of more than 10 percent (band cells are also known as immature neutrophils, a type of white blood cell)

Sepsis can sometimes develop into a more serious problem called septic shock. This causes dangerously low blood pressure. (7)

Septic Arthritis

Septic arthritis is an infection in a joint. You may experience severe pain around the joint that makes movement difficult. Other symptoms include redness, warmth, or swelling around the joint. You might also have a fever. (8)

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome, which happens when staph bacteria get into your blood and produce toxins, can be deadly. Symptoms include:

A sudden, high fever VomitingDiarrheaLow blood pressureA rash that looks like a sunburn (usually on the palms of your hands or soles of your feet)ConfusionMuscle aches SeizuresRedness in the eyes, mouth, or throatHeadache (9)


Symptoms of endocarditis, an infection that targets your heart, may include:

Fever and chillsNight sweatsA new or changed heart murmur Shortness of breathAching joints and musclesFatigueChest pain when breathingSwelling in the feet, legs, or stomach (10)


Osteomyelitis, an infection of a bone, can cause pain at the affected area along with:

Fever ChillsIrritabilitySwelling, warmth, or redness around the infected bone

Sometimes this type of infection doesn’t cause any signs or symptoms. (11)

Bacterial Pneumonia

Pneumonia causes inflammation and the accumulation of fluid and pus in the air sacs of your lungs. Staphylococcus is one of several types of bacteria that can cause pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia can cause the following symptoms:

A bad cough that produces phlegmChest pain when you breathe or coughFatigueFever Sweating or shaking chillsConfusion (especially in older adults)Shortness of breathNausea, vomiting, or diarrheaA low body temperature (especially in older adults with weak immune systems) (12)

Food Poisoning

Signs and symptoms of food poisoning caused by toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria usually come on quickly — within hours of eating contaminated food — and go away promptly, too. If you eat food contaminated with these toxins, you may experience:

Stomach crampsNauseaVomitingDiarrheaDehydrationLow blood pressure


Pyomyositis, which is an infection of the skeletal muscle, can cause the following symptoms:

Pain and tenderness near the affected muscleFeverAn abscess or lump under the skin (13)

Diagnosing a Staph Infection

To diagnose a staph infection, your doctor will take a detailed account of your symptoms and examine any visible signs or symptoms carefully. Your provider might also collect a tissue sample, nasal secretion, or wound secretion to test for staph bacteria. For internal infections, a blood sample may be drawn for testing, and in some cases, an X-ray or other imaging test may be done to locate an infection inside your body. Given how serious a staph infection can be, it’s important to see your doctor if you think you have an infection.