Digestive Problems and Hormones
“[Some] women experience constipation or looser bowel movements around their menstrual cycle,” said Stephen Hanauer, MD, professor of medicine and chief of the section of gastroenterology and nutrition at the University of Chicago Medical Center. For the women who do experience bowel changes as they approach their period, these digestive changes tend to remain consistent throughout the years. This is nothing to be concerned about, he said. But bowel movements and digestive problems can also be related to diet, stress, activity levels and the medications you are taking — making it hard to discern what is causing your problems. The decision to take hormone-based medications such as birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy can also add to the confusion. As young women move out of adolescence and the menstrual cycle gets more regular, some women may notice fairly predictable bouts of constipation or diarrhea. They may also experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which could include digestive issues like gas, bloating, and general gastrointestinal discomfort. The following life changes can also affect digestive issues:
Pregnancy. Along with the other less pleasant symptoms of pregnancy, you could have these digestive health changes:Heartburn. “Certainly women are susceptible to some digestive symptoms in pregnancy,” said Hanauer. “This is an anatomic issue … As the uterus grows, it’s going to produce pressure in the abdomen, which [pushes] stomach contents up and lead to a greater likelihood of heartburn.” By some estimates, up to 85 percent of women have some experience of reflux during pregnancy. For a minority, this can lead to serious problems with nausea and vomiting.Bowel movement changes. Hormonal changes will get you again, especially in early pregnancy, when bowel movements changes can be quite noticeable. Painful constipation is also common in pregnant women.If you are pregnant, it is not good to delay getting help for severe digestive issues. If you are experiencing any abdominal pain or if vomiting won’t let you keep anything down, call your doctor.Menopause. As your hormones shift again during menopause, you may endure a series of digestive health changes, including gas, bloating, and shifts in your bowel movements. These can be complicated by the use of hormone replacement therapy.Post-menopause. At this age, you may have trouble absorbing certain nutrients because of medications you are taking and also because of changes associated with age. Although this won’t play out in a painful way most of the time, you may want to check in with your primary care provider to make sure your diet is healthy. Ask about supplements to keep your digestive system on track.
Colon Cancer Concerns
A major health concern for women is when to start screening for colon cancer. Current recommendations are to start at age 50. However, says Hanauer, this recommendation is different for women who have had any kind of tumor in their reproductive system. “Women who have had gynecologic tumors are more susceptible to colon cancers as well. If a woman has had a gynecologic tumor, you would start your screening at that time.”
Managing Women’s Digestive Issues
The best advice for managing digestive issues throughout your lifespan is more or less the same as the advice given to help reduce the risk of chronic disease and keep you feeling your best:
Maintain a healthy weight.Eat a balanced diet. Include lots of fluids and fiber.Eat probiotic-rich foods. These “healthy” bacteria help keep you regular.Stay active.
If you’re doing all of these things and still have digestive problems that interfere with your quality of life, see a doctor for further evaluation. Women may wrongly write off repeated digestive problems as part of their hormone cycle when they actually have an underlying condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or an inflammatory bowel disease.